The council is exploring the use of smartphones/tablets as a support for recently discharged patients with chronic illnesses.

For this assignment, you are a member of the Health professional- IT Innovation Council in a community hospital system. The council is exploring the use of smartphones/tablets as a support for recently discharged patients with chronic illnesses. You are asked to investigate the potential of such a system and to present your findings to the council.
Create a presentation of your findings on the idea of implementing the above solution. Your final slide should include citations/references.
Points to ponder and address:
Is the technology available?
Is there security to support the technology and practice?
Is there any value in creating such a solution/system?
What barriers might the project encounter?
Due 100
Points are not awarded for the number of slides. Points are awarded for content on slides, professional looking slides, and execution (spelling and grammar). No more than 3-5 bullets per slide.

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