The desired outcome of this research was to investigate whether the use of rammed earth is a suitable substitute for the prevalent materials in housing projects in eindhoven.

First thing to consider is that we are only writting the introduction for the Abstract below at this stage.
so the writting will be the introduction of the article that is going to be written in the future.
Key Words: Organic Material. obstacles within, housing standards, adaptiation, sustainability
abstract: Eindhoven has experienced a rapid increase in the demand for housing. modern day standards pertaining to sustainability in the construction industry call for an increase in the use on natural low carbon building materials. However, these materials have characteristics that differ to conventional materials such as concrete, bricks, etc. and the implications therefor have to be considered. this research article therefor takes a closer look at rammed earth within the scope of current housing climate in Eindhoven. Studies of existing housing projects in Eindhoven were conducted to both identify the scale of problem, but also to consider the extent to which rammed earth is an appropriate solution to that problem. In an equally important exercise, case studies of projects which incorporate rammed earth across regions in the Netherlands were carried out to better understand the material and its limitations. Data was collected in dialogue with figures from relevant construction industries with the aim of obtaining more detailed insight into the properties of rammed earth. The desired outcome of this research was to investigate whether the use of rammed earth is a suitable substitute for the prevalent materials in housing projects in Eindhoven.
notes to consider: aspects from circularity should be considered and case studies that are in the Netherlands about the use of rammed earth.
.try to apply to reigns in Netherlands/context.
please don’t use vague terminologies and explain in what aspects you are writing about.
.you might find better references than what I have provided. perhaps you can use those and please mention the name of the references that you will be using as well so i can also read through them for future research and reading.
Please also have a look at this article if useful: Resilience of Raw-Earth Technology in the Climate of Middle Europe Based on Analysis of Experimental Building in Pasł ˛ek in Poland Thank you

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