The Equity Audit Tool

The purpose of an Equity Audit Tool is to assist you, as a leader for positive social change, in recognizing significant and persistent patterns of inequity within your locality, school, or workplace. To prepare for this Assignment review the module reading “Equity Audits: A Practical Leadership Tool for Developing Equitable and Excellent Schools.”
Module 2 Assignment: The Equity Audit Tool

The purpose of an Equity Audit Tool is to assist you, as a leader for positive social change, in recognizing significant and persistent patterns of inequity within your school or district. To prepare for this Assignment read and review all the learning resources within Module 2.
Identify data and indicator sources of culturally responsive education practices from your education context [school or work site]. Detailed guidelines for developing your response to this assignment can be found in this document: Equity Audit Tool Instructions. Interviews with Change Leaders – Module 4 Assignment
You will interview two change leaders individually about how each addresses inequalities in access, opportunity, and outcomes for the learners in their education settings. Their roles must include influencing and/or determining policy at the systemic level of a learning organization. Examples might include: P–12 or university leader, government official, member of an education board, director of a learning organization, or professional education organization leader.
To prepare:
Design 5 – 8 questions for your interviewees that will provide insights into and examples of:
Each leader’s understanding of culturally responsive education practices
How the leader’s organization has implemented or advocates implementing to promote culturally responsive education practices
How the leader’s organization evaluates the effectiveness of policy intended to promote culturally responsive education practices
Culturally responsive leadership theories that inform each leader’s actions (i.e., authentic leadership, social justice leadership, ethical leadership, and/or moral transformative leadership)
Conduct the interviews
Your Equity Audit Tool must address the following three dimensions as they relate to your locality, school, or workplace:
Dimension 1: Teacher/Educator Quality Equity
Possible indicators include:
Master’s +
Average Experience
Not Certified
Dimension 2: Programmatic Equity
Possible indicators include:
Special Education
Gifted & Talented Education
Bilingual Education
Student Discipline
Dimension 3: Achievement Equity
Possible indicators include:
5) State achievement test results
6) Dropout rates
7) High school graduation tracks
8) SAT/ACT/AP/IB results
Note: The dimensions and indicators above may differ depending on the learning context. For the purposes of this assignment, use the three dimensions identified. You may vary the indicators under each dimension as long as there is a data source from which to analyze culturally responsive practices.
Your paper should include the following five sections:
Section 1: Introduction
Describe your learning context [school or work site] (e.g., the teacher/educator staffing structure, programs offered, and how achievement is measured).
Section 2: Teacher Quality Equity
Identify a minimum of three data and indicator sources available in your learning context [school or work site] that provide meaningful information about teacher quality equity. Explain when and how each of the data sources is collected and how each is an indicator of culturally responsive education practices relevant to your specific context[ school or work site]. Use and cite the literature and Learning Resources from this module and your own readings.
Section 3: Programmatic Equity
Identify a minimum of three data and indicator sources available in your learning context that provide meaningful information about program equity. Explain when and how each of the data sources is collected.
Briefly explain how each is an indicator of culturally responsive education practices relevant to your specific context [school or work site]. Use and cite the literature and Learning Resources from this module, and your own readings, in your response.
Section 4: Achievement Equity
Identify a minimum of three data and indicator sources available in your learning context that provide meaningful information about achievement equity. Explain when and how each of the data sources is collected.
Briefly explain how each is an indicator of culturally responsive education practices relevant to your specific context. Use and cite the literature and Learning Resources from this module, and your own readings, in your response.
Section 5: Operationalizing Equity Audits
Describe how you would approach each of the following six steps for operationalizing your equity audit in your context (Skrla et al., 2010):
1. Creating a committee of relevant stakeholders.
2. Presenting the data to the committee and have everyone graph the data.
3. Discussing the meaning of the data, possible use of experts, led by a facilitator.
4. Discussing potential solutions, possible use of experts, led by a facilitator.
5. Implementing solution(s).
6. Monitoring and evaluating results.
Section 6: Reflection
Explain what you learned from developing your Equity Audit Tool. How might you apply this learning in your current and future practice as a change leader? What advice, based on what you learned, might you give to other change leaders? What challenges do you foresee in the work you hope to do as a leader committed to positive social change? What ways might you modify the Equity Audit Tool to meet the needs of your context while maintaining its purpose of recognizing significant and persistent patterns of inequity?
Paper length requirement: ­5–7 pages Login Access to get data
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