The goal for process improvement is to reduce costs through elimination of wasted steps or resources and replacing the current state or processes with improved processes.

Background: The goal for process improvement is to reduce costs through elimination of wasted steps or resources and replacing the current state or processes with improved processes. This will culminate in a proposed strategic initiative that will serve as the basis for a plan proposal that will be executed in HQIS 670, the capstone Lean Six Sigma Black Belt.
i tried attaching the slides for each chapter of the sigma thagt i think we are supposed to help answer eachone.
The proposal is for a potential project of my choosing for an improvement. It could be work-related activityso I guess i can use that he wasnt speicifc. I work in an weightloss clinic called CardioMender MD in Miami, Fl. Some issues in the office include high employee turnover because of low pay and unclean environment. The break room is used as a storage room, we do not have lunch break and the schedule is Monday through Saturday. Also, the floors are broken and the working stations are not clean and dusty. another eason is instead of using the text message system to confirm patient appointment we have to call the day before (sometimes 150 patients a day) and it is time that could be spent doing other work. The number of patients coming in are decreasing becaause the prices keep increasing, the food in the panty are moldy and the patients have to return it. the office works with no appointments, we make apointments but the patients can walk in anytime they want and sometimes too many walk in and theres not enough workers creating stress for the medical assitants. we can should honor our scheduling especially if we are making calls.
you can also invent anything else or you can go to the website just to answer the questions.


Assignment: In preparation for the project to be applied that will follow the DMAIC outline, please provide a short response for each one of the following items:
1. Topic/Item(s) for Improvement
2. Background, rationale, perceived benefits, and the planned goals
3. Methodology for data collection to support initiative
4. Other Research
5. Planned Report of Findings (e.g. Summary, Executive Summary, PowerPoint/Prezi/Canva)
Submission Instructions: The responses should be formatted per current APA and 500-750 words in length.
Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (preferably published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work

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