The headers will be placed in the upper left hand corner of the document, while page numbers will go in the right had corner.

An annotated bibliography is a bibliography that gives a summary of each of the entries. The purpose of annotations is to write a summary and an evaluation of the source. Each summary should be a concise exposition of the source’s central idea(s) and give the reader a general idea of the source’s content. The annotated bibliography will consist of sources to be used in the research paper. Five (5) sources will be submitted for grading. Sources will only consist of peer-reviewed journal sources, textbooks, & websites (government, college, and university ONLY). All sources cannot be older than 5 years (Jan. 2017 to current). No other types of sources will be accepted. ANY CITATION OF WIKIPEDIA AS A SOURCE WILL RESULT IN AN AUTOMATIC FAILURE OF ANY WRITING ASSIGNMENT IN THIS COURSE. The annotated bibliography is to be written in APA reference style as outlined in the APA Publication Manual, 7th edition. FAILURE TO SUBMIT FIVE SOURCES, THE MINIMUM NUMBER REQUIRED FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, WILL RESULT IN FAILURE OF THIS ASSIGNMENT.
The rough draft must be written along with following guidelines:
Times New Roman 12-point font for the entire document from the headers, title page, abstract, body, and References page
The title page should the title of your paper, your name, the course name and number, and your Jag number; all of this information needs to be centered.
The entire document should contain headers and page numbers. The headers will be placed in the upper left hand corner of the document, while page numbers will go in the right had corner. The header for the very first page (title page) should read Running head: ABBREVIATED TITLE. The headers for the rest of the paper should have the abbreviated title in all caps in the upper left hand corner of the paper.
The paper must contain an abstract, which gives the reader a preview of the paper, including the thesis. The abstract must be a maximum of 125 words, contain the centered heading Abstract, and be on a separate page, after the title page, but before the body.
The body of the paper must be a maximum 750 words (3 FULL pages).
A minimum of five (5) sources must be used.
APA citations must be used to support the paper.
The References page must have the heading, References, centered and references must be written according to APA guidelines. FAILURE TO CITE SOURCES WILL RESULT IN A PLAGIARISM CHARGE, RESULTING IN AN AUTOMATIC FAILURE OF THE FINAL DRAFT.

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