The Individual Service Plan (ISP) has some gaps and deserves to be reviewed and improved.

Respond to the 2 discussion post below:
Discussion 1: Abdou-Salam
The Individual Service Plan
(ISP) has some gaps and deserves to be reviewed and improved. The general
information is that key information such as the age, dates, and signature are
incomplete or are missing. I would review the area of the current level of
functioning and Social, and Family Supports.
The current level of functioning

This component should consider the aspects of address, social,
emotional, physical, vocational, and educational functioning. The information
provided is also inaccurate, and some of the information is just false. For
instance, the service coordinator mentioned that Rocky has been less social since
his father died (Walden University, 2021). The coordinator reported that Rocky
has been less social since his father died. He should rather say that Rocky had
strong ties with his father as he enjoyed fishing and hiking near the lake with
his father. The service coordinator did not assess the aspects of emotional,
vocational, and educational functioning. In particular, the stress affecting
Rocky in the absence of his mother Martine should have also been diagnosed at
this stage.
The coordinator should make recommendations for various services
based on the individual needs of the service plan. The plan should be accurate,
fair, representative of the individual, comprehensive, and has specific goals
to meet the identified needs, which are to provide an immediate residential
placement to Rocky. They are biased information there as the goal of securing
employment for Rocky doesn’t t seem to fit well at this stage of the treatment.
Social and Family Supports
The information provided is correct and presents the three main
persons around Rocky, who are Martine (mother), Gala (old sister), and Darryl
(neighborhood friend). The relationship with each of them is also well
described concisely. The service coordinator should have other aspects, such as
Rocky’s strong ties with his father and mother. He enjoyed helping his mother
cook and garden and attending church. Rocky was easy-going, always happy and
helpful, kind-hearted, and loved to laugh. Some statements made in the service
plan are not substantiated. For instance, the coordinator mentioned that,
according to Gala, when her dad was alive, Rocky had two friends at the YMCA
(Walden University, 2021). This information is not accurate.
In conclusion, the areas that need to be improved in the plan
relate to filling the service plan template with accurate information and
possibly reviewing it in the presence of Rocky during the intake stage and
before signing. Reference
Walden University. (2021). Evaluating a service plan.
Discussion 2: Tammy
Select two areas of the service
plan and identify two or three things you would change to improve the plan for
the service user. Explain your rationale.
The Individual Service Plan (ISP) is designed to help Rocky to
live more independently. Rocky’s service plan is fair but his specific goals,
objectives and target dates. I feel it does not meet all his identified needs.
Rocky has many challenges that have affected him greatly. I know the ISP
includes speech therapy, but working with clients that have down syndrome.
Rocky risk has increased now experiencing the common mental health disorders
such as depression, anxiety, and behavioral disturbances. That has abruptly
changed his mood and behavior patterns. The loss of his father, not seeing his
mother on a regular basis, and living arrangements has changed suddenly. The
ISP does not show many services to help Rocky in the mental health area.
The ISP should have listed more than one goal to help with mental
health issues. The therapy sessions should have also been included for example,
occupational and physical these services help master skills of independence.
These additional services will help Rocky with day to day living activities,
communication needs and social and behavioral needs. (NDSS, 2022) The goals
listed on the ISP did not seem to be meaningful for Rocky, I do not believe
that Rocky will be motivated to work on his goals. For example, the “goal of secure
employment.” Rocky does not have any past work experience. The employment
should not be listed in the ISP, when setting goals they should be
realistic. (Walden University, 2021)
The objectives listed are unclear for example, “Rocky will
wear his hearing aids and learn more sign language.” (Walden University,
2021) Over a long period of time, Rocky is known for not wearing his hearing
aids on a daily basis. ISP should have included medical equipment such as
doctor appointments to check and/or update his hearing aids. There could have
been an ongoing problem with the hearing aids that Rocky or the family was
aware of. The ISP did not list the legal guardian name other than the sister
Gala. Rocky mother is still his legal guardian and the worker is aware of
Martine is Rocky caregiver. (Walden University, 2021)
Walden University. (2021). Evaluating
a service plan.

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