The purpose of this Reflection assignment is to provide you with an opportunity

The purpose of this Reflection assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to reflect on the accomplishment of selected Bachelor’s Essentials Competencies (BSN Essentials), course outcomes, and progress toward program outcomes acquired through the course. The assignment results in a culminating reflection paper, which will serve as the Individual Student Profile in the final capstone course in your program.
If you need a refresher, begin by accessing and reviewing the Reflective Thinking and Reflective Writing videos and information available at this link:
NOTE: Please incorporate key concepts related to the Reflective Thinking and Reflective Writing videos and information in your Module 5 assignment.
For this assignment, you will reflect on course objectives and ponder your progress towards meeting these objectives. You will include class activities you viewed as positive learning experiences and future application of new knowledge or skills.
Step 1. Identify
Access the Course Reflection Template located in Student Commons on the Nursing Bachelor Resources page under Program and Course Resources.
Step 2. Review
Review the Course Reflection Template. Next review the learning activities you engaged in as well as the various resources you accessed during this course.
Step 3: Interpret
After completing Step 2, ponder your progress towards meeting course objectives and which resources and learning activities were most helpful. You will reference at least 3 resources you plan to refer to in the future. In addition, ponder 5 different ways you will apply new knowledge or skills to practice.
Step 4: Create
Complete the Course Reflection Template.
Step 5. Submit
Submit the completed Course Reflection Template to the assignment area.
Successful completion of this assignment requires students to ponder, synthesize, and apply new information or skills gained during this course.
Please read the Assignment Guidelines (Links to an external site.) before you begin working.
Bachelor’s Reflection Rubric v.3
Bachelor’s Reflection Rubric v.3
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection on Course Content: Connections to Experience
20 to >16.9 pts
A. Demonstrated strong relationships between prior experience and new information. B. Provided examples of relationships between prior experience and new information.
e and new information.
0 pts
No submission
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSelf-Assessment
25 to >21.24 pts
A. Clearly conveyed new insights about self and achievement of course/program/academic outcomes. B. Provided a critical application of personal and professional growth during the course. C. Clearly articulated strengths and challenges. D. Included specific examples to support self-assessment.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTransfers to New Situations
25 to >21.24 pts
A. Demonstrated transferability of course concepts. B. Provided clear examples of applied learning to new situations or within current role to enhance performance. C. Adapted or applied skills and/or competencies gained to yield new insights or new applications.
0 pts
No submission
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompleteness
10 to >8.4 pts
A. Met instructions by including all elements of the assignment.
0 pts
No submission
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScholarly Writing
10 to >8.4 pts
A. Exceeded or met formal writing standards. B. Demonstrated correct grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling.
0 pts
No submission
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format
10 to >8.4 pts
A. Demonstrated near-perfect APA formatting.
10 pts
Total Points: 100

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