The region I have chosen is camden county nj, please do the research on thatRes

The region I have chosen is camden county nj, please do the research on that
Research Project Assignment 1: See Research Project Visual Instructions video listed above. Research Project Assignment 1: Submit a 4 to 6 page (double-spaced) summary of the soil properties and the most prominent crops grown in your focus region. This assignment should also summarize any important livestock and/or aquaculture presence in the region. The page count for this assignment includes all relevant tables and figures and your references section. To complete this assignment, you will need to use federal/state/municipal sources and possibly some scientific sources. If you are doing your project on a place outside of the US, contact me if you need help finding sources. Rubric and additional supporting materials can be found in this week’s module.
Topics to include:
Basic land use and farm statistics: Include basic statistics such as the number of farms in your county, how many acres of the county are devoted to farms, and the average size of farms in your county. You could also include demographic information about farmers and some general economic/sales statistics. The “County Profile” you download from the USDA NASS Agricultural Census will likely supply relevant information. You can communicate this information using tables, but if you use tables, make sure you include at least a paragraph summarizing some of the most important statistics.
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Survey (NASS): The most recent agricultural census conducted by the USDA NASS was in 2017.
At this website, you can find a County Profile for your county along with more detailed information for your county. To start, click your state, then click “County” under “State and County Reports”. You can find your county’s profile by clicking on “State & County” under “County Profiles.”
(Links to an external site.)
You can also perform more specific queries into the Agriculture Census at this website:
(Links to an external site.)
Soil properties: For your county, you will find the 10 most common soil series (called map unit names on the Web Soil Survey).
This data will be represented in a table (or tables). You need to either create your own table within your document; or use the “Soil Table Template”. For each of your ten soils series, you will include:
Taxonomic soil order
Acreage and % cover of each soil series
% clay, % sand, % silt
% organic matter
Available water capacity
Cation-Exchange Capacity (or Effective Cation-Exchange Capacity for acidic soils)
Include at least a paragraph summarizing the main trends and findings in your table. Some things you can talk about here are if you notice that most of your soils are in the same “order”, or do most of them have a high or low PH, or if water was included in your top 10 soils, is that surprising to you based on the geographical location of your county?
USDA NRCS Web Soil Survey:
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The web soil survey website will allow you to view a soil survey map within your county to collect data on the common types of soil within a US region.
Here is a written guide to follow the steps on the WSS website to acquire all of the data you need to complete your chart. I recommend having this open while you complete your chart; or print it out to follow the steps. The Soil Table Template is also here on the bottom of the document:
(Links to an external site.)
There is also a visual explanation of this under the Media Gallery on Canvas; where I share my screen and show how to complete all of the parts.
Major crops, livestock, and aquaculture: You should include the most important (at least top five) crops, livestock, and aquaculture commodities in your county. You may find it best to rank commodities by both acreage and production value. USDA NASS census data will be very helpful to you when compiling this information. You may decide that tables will be helpful in showing this information. However, if you use tables, you must also include a paragraph highlighting important trends and summarizing your main ideas.
It is possible you won’t have 5 different aquaculture commodities in your research area. If this is the case, just include what commodities are present.
Using USDA NASS Quick Stats to find information on agricultural animal product industries in your research area.
Data Collection Steps:
First, navigate to
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See this video link:
NASS Quick Stats
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Minimize Video
Remember, that the options in Quick Stats will update automatically with the available information and you don’t have to go in the order of the boxes. The following sequence of steps will allow you to see what livestock and aquaculture commodities are grown in your research area. If your research area isn’t included, you may use another source to obtain data.
At the Quick Stats page, select “Census” under the “Program” menu. This will limit your results to the USDA Agricultural Census
Select “Animals & Products” under the “Sector” Menu
Scroll down and select “County” under the “Geographic Level” menu
A “State” box will pop up; find and select the state of your county.
Once you select a state, a “County” box will appear; find your county and select it.
Select the years you’d like to pull data from under the “Year” menu. 2017 is the most recent data set. If you select 2017 and a prior census’s data, you might be able to observe trends over time. I recommend starting with the “Annual” Period type, but you can feel free to also explore the “Point in Time” datasets as well.
If you scroll back up to the “Commodity” menu, you can see a listing of the various livestock sectors that have reported data in your county. This gives you an idea of the range of livestock produced within your county. For more detailed information like number of animals, value of production, or number of operations, you will need to download and view the census data. Click the “Get Data” button at the bottom of the page. You will be able to view the data in a web browser, to download the data in a spreadsheet form, click the “Spreadsheet” button above the data table.
If you don’t want to use the above for this section, you can also use the same source you used for Section 1:
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Survey (NASS): The most recent agricultural census conducted by the USDA NASS was in 2017: References and Formatting:
References should be formatted in the APA style. For this assignment, I recommend to cite and use both the USDA NRCS Soil Web Survey and the USDA NASS 2018 Census. In addition to those two sources, you should include at least 3 other sources in your fact sheet. Other sources for this assignment could be scientific primary or secondary sources (from scientific journals), or tertiary sources that are written for the general public (newspapers, magazines, etc.). You must have 5 references in total. Use in-text citations throughout your paper.
Here is a great source to help with APA format:
You can also receive assistance from Rowan’s library:
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IMPORTANT: When students submit this assignment directly to Canvas, student work will automatically be submitted to a plagiarism prevention tool (Turnitin). Students are NOT required to submit anything directly to Turnitin. See the Rowan Global Standard Policies for more information.
This assignment must be typed and submitted electronically in MS Word (.docx or .pdf) format. The file must be named in the following format: Lastname_ResearchProjectAssignment1. Submit your completed document to Research Project Assignment 1, listed on the Modules and Assignments pages, as a file attachment.

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