The two versions of your Critique Essay (Critique Essay Draft 2 with Track Chang

The two versions of your Critique Essay (Critique Essay Draft 2 with Track Changes-Mark Up & Final Critique Essay) must be uploaded.
At this stage, you are revising the essay by focusing on introductions, conclusions, and APA style. Also, you will use the feedback you received on your draft essay from me to improve on your the final version of your essay.
To get to the final version of your critique essay, you will complete the following tasks:
Save your draft essay as Critique Essay Draft 2;
Enable Track Changes and Mark Up in Microsoft Word;
Make corrections on your draft essay that you had submitted for Process Assignment 2. Use your learning this week – Unit 5, along with the feedback from me (go the assignment folder and view my comments on your draft and rubric);
Submit your marked up Critique Essay Draft 2 to the Assignment folder;
Save a clean copy of your Critique Essay Draft 2 as a new file: Final Critique Essay;
Fix APA style title and page numbers; and
Submit your Final Critique Essay to the Assignment folder.

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