the United States is sexually assaulted.

Every two minutes, someone in the United States is sexually assaulted. College age women are four times more likely to be sexually assaulted than any other age group, and the majority of rapes are committed by someone who the victim knows. Define sexual assault in your own words. Search your school’s website, what resources are available from your college or your campus to help students if they are faced with sexual assault. What can your specific campus do to make sure that rape is NOT a reality for so many young people? In your experience or opinion, what are some ways colleges and universities can address some of these issues around sexual assault and sexual battery? You can also visit the RAINN website for more information.
Make sure to cite your sources and include sources in APA formatting. Reviews the website RAINN for information
Make sure to include resources currently available at your college campus for credit.
Addresses way to reduce sexual assault on college campuses.
Include at least one citation in the references in APA formatting

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