the United States of America System of Criminal Justice is not only composed of or represented by an individual, all-encompassing institution

Create a detailed outline of your paper, which lays out a summary of the information you will present in your final paper. At the end of Unit 4 of your textbook there is a sample outline for you to generally follow, but I want you to build an outline that conforms with the headings of a policy report. Below I have listed the headings that must be included in your policy report. Following each heading, I list the corresponding roman numerals from the sample outline that correspond to the sections of your research policy report.
Title of the Policy Report

Context and Importance of the Problem (I – III)
Pre-Existing Policies, Policy Options, and Research (IV – IX)
Conclusion (X)
Policy Recommendations
Reference Page
For Writing Assignment 2, you should include all 6 headings in the document that you submit, but you only need to construct in outline form the sections Context and Importance of the Problem, Pre-Existing Policies, Policy Options, and the Conclusion.
For each subsection head in your outline, write the last name(s) of the author(s) and year of publication of the article(s) that you are relying on to create those subsections. Also list alphabetically the sources that you use under the Reference Page heading (properly cited in APA Style). It’s easier to keep track of them now instead of having to go back later.

Below the Reference Page, insert all of the abstracts that you used in your outline.
Below is the topic for this paper.
The purpose of this research paper is to discuss various components of the American Criminal Justice System and show how Criminal Justice in the United States exists in different systems. Unlike in other nations, the United States of America System of Criminal Justice is not only composed of or represented by an individual, all-encompassing institution. Instead, it is composed of the police, the courts, and corrections at both the federal and state levels.

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