the US The Great Depression. THis

The article you choose should be about the US The Great Depression. THis would be the article u analyze for question 1 & 4
Question 1: Which source will you analyze using active reading strategies? Include the name of the article, the author, the publication, the date, and
where you found it. Read your chosen source using the active reading strategies you learned on the previous page. Then, summarize the overall meaning
and content of the reading. Write your summary below. Your summary should be at least one paragraph long. Question 2: What events or historical forces contributed to the Boston busing crisis of the mid-1970s? Name at least three, and briefly explain why you
think each one was a contributory cause of the Boston busing crisis. Question 3: Name three specific consequences of the Boston busing crisis. Question 4: Describe one cause of the event you have chosen for your historical analysis (keeping in mind that there are many), and explain one piece of
evidence from your research that you will use to support this assertion. Describe one consequence of the event, and explain one piece of evidence from
your research that you will use to support this assertion.

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