These the questions from which you can choose 2 to write about acording to the reading and what was said in the lecture.

– Follow the directions from the file call “rubrics for weekly reaction papers.”
– Use slides from the file call ” lecture 2_feedback” and the video from this link to know what was discussed in class, and the questions that were made durind the class:
_ Use the link call “Merge_lecture” to see the questions that were discussed in class. These the questions from which you can choose 2 to write about acording to the reading and what was said in the lecture.
– The files named: “1) FrankworochCurran, 2) odoherty_rewardrep and 3) palminteri” are the reading materials used to create the question in the document call “merged lecture,” the discution-lecture video (found in the link) are also based on these papers. You can use as reference.
1) Briefly introduce the topic by going over the key aspects of the reading and lecture
2) Pick 1-2 discussion questions that was shared in the class discussion and summarize the contents of
the discussion
3) Provide your main take-away from the class – what have you learned and thought?

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