This assignment is for a Marketing class. I need someone that’s able to write in

This assignment is for a Marketing class. I need someone that’s able to write in an academic voice and speaks and writes English daily. Also, someone that can follow the directions as given. If you think you take on this assignment and answer the questions at the bottom message me. That will be the only way I will accept your bid. I have attached the casestudy you will use to anwer the questions.
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Complete a SWOT Analysis for Johnson Design. Explain your answers. What information do you believe is most important from this analysis of the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats? 2. From the information provided in the case, how much has Johnson Design invested in the “Dry Wall Fix” to this point? Are these the total costs incurred by Johnson Design and Steve Johnson on the product? If not, please explain. 3. What strategic alternatives did Steve Johnson have after inventing the “Dry Wall Fix”? 4. Based on your SWOT Analysis, what do you believe was the best strategic option for Steve after inventing the ‘Dry Wall Fix”? 5. Do you think that Steve made any mistakes in researching the market and/or marketing his product?

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