to what extent are you a willing participant and to what extent have cultural norms and values dictated that you take part in this consumer culture?

After reading Chapter 2, you should have a new perspective on your involvement in global consumer culture.
Consider your role in this culture carefully: to what extent are you a willing participant and to what extent have cultural norms and values dictated that you take part in this consumer culture?
Instructions: Complete and then submit the exercise(s) below as directed by your instructor.
1. (Online) Make a list of all of the things you own. Include your electronics, school supplies, the contents of your closets and dressers (don’t forget clothes for the winter and clothes for the summer!), your accessories, grooming items, furnishings, and means of transportation. For each item, decide whether it is something you need or just something you want. Post a summary of the items you need and the items that you want on your class’s online discussion board. Consider including a picture of your least needed or most needed item. Discuss with fellow students how your lists differ.

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