Transformational Leadership’

Transformational Leadership
Servant Leadership
Authentic Leadership
Adaptive Leadership
Inclusive Leadership
Virtuous Leadership This assignment has three parts. Make sure to read the directions carefully. You will submit one document- please label the sections, part one, part two, and part three. The last page of the document should be a reference page and include the sources you cited. Part One: Select the leadership style that best describes your leadership style and conduct additional research. The research aims to develop a deeper understanding of the theory you selected. Include a minimum of 5 sources. Books or peer-reviewed journals from Google Scholar or Welder Library are acceptable. Using the information learned from your articles/books (minimum of 5 sources), write a 1-2 page paper on the leadership style you selected. Part Two: Complete a personal SWOT Analysis. For insight on how to do this, review the blog below. The blog provides guidance on this type of analysis’s value and guiding questions for each component. You must include a minimum of 2 answers for each component: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This can be completed in bullet format but should be in sentences/paragraph form to provide enough context and depth.,an%20action%20plan%20for%20success
Part Three: Summary: Putting it all together! Review the leadership style information and your personal SWOT analysis. What are three takeaways or lessons learned? Your answer should incorporate both part one and part two of this assignment. Each lesson should be a minimum of one paragraph.

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