Trends in productivity

Research manufacturing productivity. Provide a general definition based on the research.
Research and discuss three trends in productivity. (Research Support Required – look for articles no more than 3 years old). This section must be 1 page in length.
Provide a brief written descriiption of the table. Describe overall industrial production and that of the assigned consumer good during the six months and the industries’ relative contributions to overall IP growth in the following year.
Research the assigned consumer good from a production and market standpoint. Describe what is happening with the product during the 6 months. Find a balance between explanations, data, and statistics provided. You must decide what information should be included in this section. Include an industry-specific application for a productivity trend. This section must be 3/4 of a page in length.
Provide a brief written descriiption of the table. Describe overall industrial production and that of the assigned Industrial/Business good during the six months and the industries’ relative contributions to overall IP growth in the following year.
Research the assigned Industrial/Business good from a production and market standpoint. Describe what is happening with the product during the 6 months. Find a balance between explanations, data, and statistics provided. You must decide what information should be included in this section. Include an industry-specific application for a productivity trend. This section must be 3/4 of a page in length.
Research sustainability in manufacturing. Provide a general definition based on the research.
Research and discuss three trends in manufacturing sustainability. Use applications in the two industries represented by the assigned goods. (Research Support Required – look for articles no more than 3 years old). This section must be 1 page in length.

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