Understanding Evidence-Based Practice, the articles and videos, and the PowerPoint/Handout to prepare for this paper.

NOTE: There need to be 10 slides in total. However, Slide 1 is just the introduction, and Slide 10 is just the reference page. the remaining 8 slides are for information as indicated below.
Review Chapter 3 on Understanding Evidence-Based Practice, the articles and videos, and the PowerPoint/Handout to prepare for this paper.
EBP is crucial to person-centered care, including the patient preferences which includes the patient’s culture. After reviewing all the material in this lesson, think about the several approaches to ask the clinical question and how as nurses we can better care for the patient with the best evidence. Begin by reflecting on a topic, problem, or EBP issue. Ultimately, the clinical problem/topic/PICOT question developed in this assignment will be used for your upcoming research assignments throughout this course.
Develop a Powerpoint presentation addressing the information listed below. Slide 1: Introduction information (Similar to the cover page of a paper using APA
Slide 2: Write a brief description of a selected clinical problem/topic/area to investigate. (Use the literature to support your selection and proper APA for citations).
Slide 3-4: Provide background information supporting the reasons/need for the selected clinical problem. (Use the literature, another resource, to support your selection and proper APA for citations).
Slide 5-6: Address how cultural competence, socially diversity, and interprofessional health care quality influence your clinical problem/topic/area.
Slide 7-8: Define Evidence-based practice (EBP) (include citation) and the role of ethics in your investigation of your research problem/topic/area.
Slide 9: Formulate a PICOT question on one slide (The video in your lesson will assist).
Patient, Population, Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Type of Question (Therapy, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Etiology, Prevention, or Quality Improvement)
Slide 10: Reference page (Use APA guidelines).
Content is being evaluated, not the design of Powerpoint. This is more about demonstrating the application of the lesson information and not designing a presentation. (Think of Powerpoint as a tool to deliver the information).
Remember to use citations when applicable throughout the presentation.
Use a white background with a black or navy blue color font
Do not place images or pictures on each slide.

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