Use only scholarly/professional, peer-reviewed articles written within the last

Use only scholarly/professional, peer-reviewed articles written within the last 5 years
You must choose your article by the end of week 2 and place in designated week 2 article dropbox.
Use only scholarly/professional, peer-reviewed references. Do not use Wikipedia or internet sources that are not officially recognized as authority websites, as such websites are not scholarly sources. Also, keep in mind that not every .org domain is an authoritative website.
1-2 double spaced page (NOT including the title page and references)
In your evaluation, address each of the following components:
The purpose of the study
Research findings
Discussion of how the information in the article might be useful in future nursing practice.
Written in APA format (6th edition). This paper should include:
Formal components including title page
APA headers (include page numbers)
APA formatted headings in the body of the paper
Appropriate in-text reference citations
A reference page, in correct APA format

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