Use the Milestone 4 Template Download Milestone 4 Template to see an example of each step and to submit your own work.

You will need to fill out Milestone 4 Template. The following are the full instructions: Paraphrasing and List of References
In the previous three modules, you found and evaluated your sources for the Final Project. Now, in Module 4, you will practice the skill of paraphrasing to learn how to use a source appropriately as evidence to support your argument, without using its language verbatim. Then, you will practice putting all of your sources into proper APA format for a reference list. APA is the citation style required in all courses at Excelsior College, so learning the details of APA formatting is important for your future academic success.

This assignment will be completed in two steps. Use the Milestone 4 Template Download Milestone 4 Template to see an example of each step and to submit your own work.
Step 1: Paraphrasing Activity First, read pages 4.11 through 4.13 of the webtext on paraphrasing and use the following resources to learn more:
Start by reading more about paraphrasing (Links to an external site.) in the Excelsior OWL
Then, try the OWL’s paraphrasing activity (Links to an external site.) to make sure you understand what you need to do.
Read the APA In-Text Citations (Links to an external site.) resources in the Excelsior OWL
Next, pick a key passage from one of your Final Project sources. The passage should be relevant to your topic and thesis statement, something that you will be likely to use as evidence when you write your final paper. The passage you choose should also be at least 5 sentences long. Next, copy/paste this passage into the Template, place it inside quotation marks.
Then, below your quoted passage, paraphrase the material in your own words and then include an in-text citation of the source at the end of your paragraph. Your paraphrase should be at least 2-3 sentences. Paraphrasing is more than just replacing individual words here and there. Be careful about relying on the thesaurus. The goal is to put the idea fully in your own words by changing the structure, voice, and significantly changing the wording in order to differentiate it from the original. If you find this difficult to do with the source in front of you, try reading the source and then putting it out of sight. Then reword it from memory and your understanding of the passage. Understanding correct paraphrasing is important because if you paraphrase incorrectly by only replacing words sporadically or keeping the original wording without putting it inside quotes, it is considered a form of academic dishonesty.
Step 2: Reference List in APA Format
Next, read page 4.14 of the webtext and use the following resources to learn more:
Read and v”iew the resources on APA References (Links to an external site.) in the Excelsior OWL
Review the Intro to APA Citations (Links to an external site.) tip sheet from the Excelsior Library
Try the OWL’s APA Activity (Links to an external site.) to make sure you understand the basics of APA formatting
Tip: Autogenerated citations are not always correct! Library sources often include automatically generated citations in multiple style formats. Read the Library’s warning (Links to an external site.) about this tool, it is not always correct! Double-check your citation against the rules above to make sure it’s correct before submitting.
Next, you will create a reference list for your Final Project using your five sources. Each source must be in proper APA format (pay close attention to the details like italics, commas, periods, and capitalization). In addition, make sure to properly format the reference list itself (pay close attention to your spacing, indentation, and alphabetization). No detail is too small for this exercise! Note: even when not required per APA, all sources should also include a URL or DOI listed at the end of your citation for your instructor to review.
Milestone 4 Template Download Milestone 4 Template (Word document)
Library Cornerstone Research Guide
Paraphrasing (Links to an external site.) (Excelsior Library)
OWL’s paraphrasing activity (Links to an external site.) (Excelsior Library)
APA In-Text Citation (Links to an external site.) (Excelsior Library)
APA References (Links to an external site.) (Excelsior Library)
Intro to APA Citations (Links to an external site.) (Excelsior Library)
Library warning about autogenerated citations (Links to an external site.) (Excelsior Library)
APA Activity (Links to an external site.) (Excelsior Library)
Submission Instructions
Your final submission should include:
A key passage from one of your sources, inside quotation marks.
Your paraphrase of the quotation with a properly formatted APA style in-text citation at the end of the paragraph.
A list of references for your 5 sources in proper APA format with a URL or DOI hyperlink at the end. (Note: URLs are not required for all sources in APA format, however, for this assignment you must still always include one so your instructor can review your sources).
Put all three components into the Milestone 4 Template and submit the finished document to the dropbox by Sunday night of Module 4.

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