Use the U.S. Department of Justice website to find and research four police departments and their relationships with their communities.’

Use the U.S. Department of Justice website to find and research four police departments and their relationships with their communities.
Write a 1,250-1,500-word comparative analysis of those four departments and their interactions with their communities. Include the following:
Discuss both the negative and positive relationships that these departments have had with their communities.
From a Christian worldview, how could some policies have reflected better ethical decision making that would have enhanced the relationship between the police and their communities? (C.1.4)
How do ethical issues that are faced within the community directly affect the relationship with the police?
Discuss the best practices and behaviors for enhancing community-police relations. Describe which police departments (of the four) would benefit the most from specific best practices. (C.5.5)
Be sure to cite three to five relevant scholarly sources in support of your content. Use only sources found at the GCU Library, government websites/legal case sites or those provided in Class Resources.

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