Utilizing differentiation strategies in the ELA classroom is vital in meeting the various needs of students and presents an opportunity to address individual personal interests, traits, and goals. Please read and follow.

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Utilizing differentiation strategies in the ELA classroom is vital in meeting the various needs of students and presents an opportunity to address individual personal interests, traits, and goals. Please read and follow. If you do not know how to do it, do not bid.

Understanding how to differentiate between different learning, linguistic, and cultural needs will increase teaching efficacy. Select reading texts to support diverse students in the English language arts classroom.
Complete the “Differentiating for Diverse Students Chart,” appropriately selecting a reading text (fiction or non-fiction) for each student, and providing a 50-100 word rationale for each selection. The text should be engaging, culturally relevant, and selected based on the student’s unique learning needs.
In addition, in 100-150 words, describe a strategy or activity that utilizes the selected text to teach an ELA skill to each student. Rationalize your instructional choices, supported by one or more scholarly resources (which may include your text and the readings from this course).
Support your findings with 3-5 scholarly resources.

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