Utilizing your newly learned knowledge over motivational interviewing and write

Utilizing your newly learned knowledge over motivational interviewing and write a 2-4 page essay (excluding cover page and reference page) answering the following questions. Please see pages 265-273 in your textbook for more guidance. Use a minimum of four evidence based sources, two of which must be peer reviewed journal articles.
Describe why motivational interviewing was developed.
Describe the 4 phases of motivational interviewing.
Describe the 4 themes of motivational interviewing.
How can you as a BSN prepared nurses incorporate motivational interviewing into your patients plan of care? Give specific examples.
Accurately and substantially describes why motivational interviewing was developed.
Accurately and substantially describes the four phases of motivational interviewing.
Accurately and substantially describes the four themes of motivational interviewing.
Accurately and substantially with examples describes how a BSN prepared nurse will incorporate motivational interviewing into the plan of care.
Page limit of 2-4 met, excluding cover page and reference page.
Scholarly writing provided with appropriate syntax and grammar
APA formatting utilized with in-text citations, and appropriately formatted Cover page and reference page.
Four evidence based sources utilized.
2 being peer reviewed journal articles.
Total Points

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