Watch The Story of Stuff documentary, then the three related short films (in order) using the links below to access the content.

Watch The Story of Stuff documentary, then the three related short films (in order) using the links below to access the content. Then write and submit a response essay of at least 500 words, summarizing the main points of the films and highlighting the points you found most interesting. Use at least one outside sources to support your position, or to fact-check or update the information presented in the documentaries.
Use APA, MLA, or any other scholarly format you prefer to cite sources appropriately. The essay will be graded on thoroughness of the summary and your critical analysis and review of the films. Appropriate formatting, spelling, grammar and adherence to high academic writing standards are also taken into consideration.
The Story of Stuff website contains many other related short films besides those you are required to watch below. You are encouraged to view more of these films but this is not required.
The Story of Stuff (21 mins)
The Story of Bottled Water (8 mins)
The Story of Broke (8 mins)
The Story of Change (8 mins)

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