what are the internalizing and externalizing problems associated with juveniles who have an incarcerated parent?\

Extra Credit Assignment: To earn up to 15 extra credit points, you will need to read pp. 11-13 of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Report “ Mentoring Children of Incarcerated Parents“ and respond to the following questions: The link is provided below.
How many juveniles under the age of 18 have at least one parent in prison in the U.S.?
Approximately how many more parents are incarcerated in jail?
What is the percent increase in the number of youths with incarcerated parents between 1991-2007?
Is the incarcerated parent typically the mother, father or is there a fairly even split between mothers and fathers?
According to the report, what are the internalizing and externalizing problems associated with juveniles who have an incarcerated parent?
What are some of the environmental risks also likely to be experienced by youths with an incarcerated parent?
Which parent (mom or dad) is more likely to report having lived with the child before their incarceration?
Does this report suggest that there IS or IS NOT a link between parental incarceration and delinquency? http://www.ojjdp.gov/about/MentoringCOIP2013.pdf

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