What are the most valuable types of artistic creations?

For your semester project, you will have the opportunity to create your ideal civilization. Since you will be learning about various civilizations throughout history, I hope you will enjoy constructing a society that reflects what you find to be interesting or compelling from various past and current civilized cultures.
1st: You will need to name your newly discovered civilization and provide a summary of what is important to the inhabitants of your society.

2nd: Your civilization will need to be explained in detail. Please use at least 5 (you may select more) of the following questions to help you describe/detail/determine your ideal civilization. What type of governmental structure oversees your civilization? What is your preferred architectural aesthetic? What are the most valuable types of artistic creations?
What types of jobs fuel your economy?
Is your civilization mostly urban or rural or a combination of both? What type/s of belief system/s is/are practiced in your civilization? What part of the world is your civilization located in?
What are the demographics of your civilization? What is your most popular type of communication/communication method? What holidays does your civilization celebrate? What is the historic timeline of your civilization?
What type of people (specifically or in general) would help lead your civilization?
How are your cities designed and what components are vital in the construction of cities in your civilization?
Other: What unique quality not already addressed above is present in your civilization?
You will need to construct a PowerPoint presentation that articulates the specifics of your ideal civilization. The power point should be constructed in the following manner:
Title Slide (1 slide): Includes the title of your PowerPoint presentation, your name, the course, and the date.
Introductory Slide (1 slide): Includes a brief overview of your newly discovered civilization’s name, some history, and what is important to the inhabitants of your society.
Aspect #1 (3 slides): Using a question from the list above, you will first answer the question, then explain the answer in detail, and finally provide any explanation for why this is important/vital to your ideal society. Each slide should contain at least one paragraph—8 complete sentences—of information and one image.
Aspect #2 (3 slides): Using a question from the list above, you will first answer the question, then explain the answer in detail, and finally provide any explanation for why this is important/vital to your ideal society. Each slide should contain at least one paragraph—8 complete sentences—of information and one image.
Aspect #3 (3 slides): Using a question from the list above, you will first answer the question, then explain the answer in detail, and finally provide any explanation for why this is important/vital to your ideal society. Each slide should contain at least one paragraph—8 complete sentences—of information and one image.
Aspect #4 (3 slides): Using a question from the list above, you will first answer the question, then explain the answer in detail, and finally provide any explanation for why this is important/vital to your ideal society. Each slide should contain at least one paragraph—8 complete sentences—of information and one image.
Aspect #5 (3 slides): Using a question from the list above, you will first answer the question, then explain the answer in detail, and finally provide any explanation for why this is important/vital to your ideal society. Each slide should contain at least one paragraph—8 complete sentences—of information and one image.
Concluding slide (1 slide): Includes a brief review of what your civilization values and what makes it unique.
Works Cited Slide/s (Slide number varies): Your Works Cited slide should contain at least SIX SOURCES (books, newspaper articles, magazines, etc).
CITATIONS IN PROJECT: You should use APA citation formatting to cite your sources. You should not use Wikipedia, encyclopedic sources, blogs, or other unreliable sources as references for your project. Finally, at least ONE CITATION PER SLIDE will be required. This requirement prevents you from constructing entire sections of your project based simply on opinion or fact-free summaries.

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