what circumstances IPRP tends to motivate employees and why, and in what circumstances it tends not to work so well and why?

The Assessment Task
Drawing on published research, critically evaluate the extent to which individual performance related pay can stimulate higher levels of performance from employees.
Consider in what circumstances IPRP tends to motivate employees and why, and in what circumstances it tends not to work so well and why?
Ensure that in answering this question you take account of contextual issues such as those concerning the type of occupation, the standard of income and values in a country and individual differences etc.
Your task is to complete sufficient reading and any other independent research in order to produce a good quality essay. You must write an essay (not a report) but may use sub headings if you wish.
• Critically evaluate the significance of different human resource policies, processes and practices for the particular contexts in which organisations may operate.
• Assess and examine the main drivers, enablers, barriers and blockages in relation to the development and implementation of different HR strategies.
• Identify and select appropriate strategies and HR Practices from academic or practitioner sources that can enable organisations to attain their goals.
• Apply, analyse and critically evaluate a wide range of relevant academic and practitioner resources effectively.
The assessment criteria below apply to this essay:

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