What did Nadella bring in terms of his own background (professional and personal) that helped him to be successful in stepping into the CEO role?

Write a 6-7 page paper that draws links between the case and your own leadership journey. Of the six topic areas below, select four (4) you would like to focus on.
1. Learning from Nadella’s Example
2. Building a High Performing Culture
3. Channeling Conflict
4. Effective Communication
5. Fostering Diversity and Learning
6. Building a Learning Organization

Make sure you consider each question in your response. Remember, a good response paper is one in which you: (a) show you understand what happened in the case, (b) apply tools and citations from course materials, and (c) offer insights into how you can apply the case and course materials to your own leadership journey.
1. Learning from Nadella’s Example
a. What did Nadella bring in terms of his own background (professional and personal) that helped him to be successful in stepping into the CEO role?

b. What makes Nadella an “authentic leader”? What actions did he take that demonstrate he believes in role-model management? Include references to course materials to support your position.
c. What characteristics does Nadella display that most closely align to traits you have, or aspire to develop, in your own leadership style? How are you most different from him in your leadership style?
d. Why is it important for leaders to take (appropriate) risks?
2. Building a High Performing Culture in Your Organization
a. What steps must leaders take to build a learning culture? Include references to course materials to support your position.
b. In what ways is the culture in your current or former organization similar to what Nadella faced when he took over Microsoft?
c. If you wanted to change or realign this culture, where would you begin?
d. What would be your biggest challenges? Why?

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