What do the projected ending inventory and available-to-promise numbers look like?

Chapter 12 Case Study: The Realco Breadmaster
Create a master production schedule for the breadmaker in the case
that considers production levels, demand for the product, and the best
business strategy for the situation presented. Consider the below
bullet points.
What do the projected ending inventory and available-to-promise
numbers look like?
Has Realco “overpromised”?
In your view, should Realco update either the forecast or the
production numbers?
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of Jack’s approach,
considering how master scheduling can improve the process, and
considering the organizational changes needed to increase the
efficiency and effectiveness of the process. Consider the below bullet
What are the advantages? The disadvantages?
How would formal master scheduling improve this process?
What organizational changes would be required?
Examine the impact of refusing a customer’s order because of lack of
supply of the product versus accepting the order and failing to
What are the implications for master scheduling?
Describe the impact on average inventory levels and production if
Realco produces 20,000 breadmakers every week rather than 40,000 every
other week.

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