What does the “crystal stair” represent in the poem “Mother to Son”?

Post a substantive, thoughtful response (200-300 words) to
one of the questions below.
The book that it used its : The Norton Anthology of American
Literature, 1865 to the Present, Shorter Ninth Edition
Langston Hughes Discussion (200 words)
1. What does the “crystal stair” represent in the
poem “Mother to Son”? What
does the phrase mean to you? Why does he choose this metaphor (crystal stair),
and what does it stand for? (Consider both the symbolic idea of a stairway and
the “crystal” aspect of it.) Does the image seem realistic?
Robert Frost Discussion (200 words)
2. In “The Road Not Taken,” what is the
controlling metaphor or symbol (central image that stands for something) of the
poem? Why is this appropriate (how does it fit what the poem is trying to say)?
Forum: Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” Discussion
(200 words)
3. Who is the narrator of the story? For whom is
the narrator speaking? How does that change our perception of what happens?

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