What ethical concerns should you consider in the establishment of your business in this field?

Scenario 1:
After working as a Chief Technical Officer for a large technology company in Canada for the past twenty years with your business and technical background, you have decided to pursue a career in consulting. You establish your own consulting company which will focus on advising invention and innovation to technology companies. Your company is based in BC, Canada. In order to apply for a local government seed funding, you must prepare an elevator report and speech that addresses the following questions based on the knowledge you built in this course and your report will be approximately 1000-1200 words:

What form of business owners do you propose and why?
What are the specific and general external factors (environment) impacting your business in this industry? Please list the factors for the specific and general environments and include examples.
What ethical concerns should you consider in the establishment of your business in this field?
Scenario 2:
You have been hired as a consultant for an oil and gas company, Dawson, headquartered in Mexico, which believes there is potential growth in Canada’s market. Because of your knowledge of Canada, you have been asked to provide a proposal on the Canadian Business Environment that would include an overview of Canada’s economic systems and the role of government in conducting business in Canada, specifically as related to the oil and gas. In addition to the overview, it should specifically outline how these compare to Mexico. This proposal serves to inform the company’s decision to invest in the country, so should be
insightful and provide details. Your report will be approximately 1000 words (more or less).

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