What is A Christian worldview?

One five page paper (1800-2000 words—2000 MAX!) due at the end of the semester. In many ways this paper is the reflection of the student’s work throughout this class. The student will write a five-page paper on a Christian worldview. The paper should seek to answer the question: “What is A Christian worldview?” The student should evidence basic competencies of the Christian Scriptures, a working knowledge of the most important genres of the Christian Scriptures, an awareness of alternative interpretations throughout the history of the church, and other ways of reading as evidenced by Christians from around the world.

The student will demonstrate competence in this course by writing a paper that reflects and evidences a careful, critical understanding of a Christian worldview. Within this paper, the student will give evidence to a careful reflection on the interpretation and application of Scripture. Professors will provide more information throughout the semester. The rough draft will receive feedback from the professor but will not receive a letter grade. The paper will be due the during the final exam time.
Please note: 2 sources are required. The sources include: 1. A reference to the Foundations of Christian Thought and Practice Workbook, and 2. One academic source from the database ATLA on the King library website. Go to this site: http://king.libguides.com/az.php (Links to an external site.) and search for ATLA under the A’s. Students must find, utilize, and cite one article for the final paper. When searching in the ATLA database make sure to choose “Full Text” only. They should show an awareness of good sources and where to locate them. The final paper shall be written in Chicago, MLA or APA. You may choose whatever format you want to choose, but stick with the format you choose.
Your goal for this paper is to answer this question: What is A Christian Worldview? In 1,800 (min) -2,000 words (max), write what you think the definition of Christianity is from a historical, literary, and/or cultural view. It is essential that you use quotes and interactions with the videos on Canvas, with the readings in the Foundations Workbook and Bible passages from this semester within your argument. Demonstrate how the videos, readings and Bible passages this semester have encouraged you to think about Christianity (regardless of your opinion of them specifically). Lastly, as always, use the grading rubric to help you form your paper and remember to use a 5-paragraph essay format. This paper will be graded closely to the rubric.
Please use the three themes that are in my rough draft.

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