What is Donald Judd communicating in his piece titled 100 Untitled Works in Mill Aluminum

1. If subject matter is what is being depicted in a work of art, what is the subject of non-representational works such as Blue, Orange, Red by Mark Rothko and Autumn Rhythm by Jackson Pollock?
What is Donald Judd communicating in his piece titled 100 Untitled Works in Mill Aluminum? What do you think the content is? How does the form help the artist express the content? How does the work of Pollock and Judd differ?
Explain how you feel when viewing an artwork without representational imagery, storytelling, or explicit personal feeling. Can shapes and colors evoke emotion and interpretation?
Identify visual elements and principles of design in your analysis.
2. Discuss the role that public art has played in past and present society and speculate about the role it will play in the future. Use two examples of public art from Chapters 15–25 of the textbook to support your answers. Be sure to include one contemporary example and one from the past. Consider the role that socially engaged art plays in current society to address social and political concerns.

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