What is the cognitive theory being tested? (1 point)

The outline draft should only be between 1–3 pages. You should include enough information so that you have successfully described the central components of this experiment. Please use APA format where applicable.
Introduction (3 points total)
Background Research
What is the cognitive theory being tested? (1 point)
State why the topic is important for research in general (1 point)
What is the research question? (0.5 points)
What are the hypotheses? (0.5 points)
Full Method Section (6 point total)
Participants :
● Seven Stony Brook Undergraduates.
● Participants were compensated with course credit.
● Participants were conveniently sampled from Stony Brook’s Human Cognition Summer
● [Do not Include] Demographics; age, gender, race/ethnicity, fluent English speakers
● All participants completed the study from their own personal computers and needed
access to MindTap/Coglab online.
Measures :
● D’- sensitivity to whether the signal was absent or present across trials. Higher d’ scores
indicate better overall performance.
● Hits – the proportion of trials in which the participant correctly identified the signal was
● False alarms – the proportion of trials in which the participants inaccurately indicated the
signal was present
Procedure :
● All seven participants remotely joined the experimental session on Zoom then logged
their Cog Lab accounts.
● They were instructed to begin the Signal Detection experiment in Chapter Three.
● The first screen of the experiment explained Signal Detection theory and then provided
the participants with instructions on the experimental task.
● In this experiment, we used a within-subject design with three levels of noise (i.e., 144
dots, 400 dots, 1000 dots). We measured how sensitive participants were to the presence
and absence of the signal across varying levels of noise.
● Participants were instructed to identified whether or not a line of stars (describe) was
presented in a trial. Each trial began with a black rectangle then randomly placed dots
appeared. The participants had to indicate if they identified the signal within each trial with
varying number of randomly placed dots (i.e., 144, 400, 1000 dots).
● 60 trials – 30 trials with signal present, 30 trials with signal absent. An equal number of
144 dots, 400 dots, 1000 trials randomly presented
● Self-paced trials
● Participants indicated their responses by clicking *present” or “absent” below the
● The experimental session took about 15 minutes.
● Participants were debriefed after completing the study
Results and Discussion (3 points total)
Restate your hypothesis. (1 point)
What statistical test did you run and what are the results? (1 point)
How will these findings impact your field and our understanding of human cognition? (1 point)
references – use sources provided in the slides

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