What is the difference between static stretching and dynamic stretching?

Flexibility Assessment and Programming
1. What is the difference between static stretching and dynamic stretching?
2. What is the optimal length of time you should hold a static stretch?
3. What physiological benefits are derived from the performance of a warm-up before performing a flexibility exercise?
4. Your client is found to have poor ROM in the latissimus dorsi muscle group. Answer the following questions pertaining to this condition.
a. List two resistance training exercises that may be difficult to perform properly.
b. List two stretches that should be included in the program to increase range of motion in the muscle group.
5. Your client is found to have poor ROM in the hamstring muscle group. Answer the following questions pertaining to this condition.
a. List two resistance training exercises that may be difficult to perform properly.
b. List two stretches that should be included in the program to increase range of motion in the muscle group.
6. What resistance training exercise could be employed to dynamically stretch the hip flexor?
7. Why does the knee have to be in the extended position to stretch the gastrocnemius?
8. What specific muscle is being stretched during the active hip flexor stretch?
9. True or False. Performance of the seated trunk flexion stretch is designed to increase the length of the parallel running, spinal ligamentous structures.
10. If your new client has poor range of motion when attempting shoulder flexion, which exercise listed below would your client have difficulty performing and should be avoided until better ROM capabilities are achieved?
a. Bench Press YES NO
b. Overhead Press (miliary) YES NO
c. DB Lateral Raise YES NO

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