What is the importance of construction line of business in Dogus Group of companies?

Assignment Questions
After reading the case, answer following questions:
How was the social, political and economic environment of Turkey in 2001? What role do social, political and economic factors play in firms’ M&A and divestiture decisions?
What is the importance of construction line of business in Dogus Group of companies?
Does Ferit have the support and power to restructure construction line of business? What factors do work against Ferit in re-organizing construction line of business?
What do you recommend to Ferit in bringing organizational change to Dogus Group? What kind of an action plan do you suggest Ferit to present to Dogus Holding Executive Committee?
Format Requirements
The maximum length of response for each question in a case write-up is 1 page (1-inch margins on all sides, double-spaced, Times New Roman font with 12 font size) excluding any appendices you may include to support your conclusions.
Attached file is the case and the reference

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