What is the research problem? Another way to think about this is: Why was this study conducted? (briefly describe)

In a 3 to 4-page essay, answer all of the following questions based on the article provided:
1. What is the research problem? Another way to think about this is: Why was this study
conducted? (briefly describe)
2. What is/are the hypothesis/hypotheses stated by the author(s)? If no hypothesis was
stated, describe the purpose of the research study.
3. A. Who were the study participants (how many were there)? How were they recruited?
B. What were the inclusion/exclusion criteria? (briefly describe)
4. What was the study design? How was the study conducted, or what did the participants
do? (briefly describe)
5. What were the results? (briefly describe)
6. Did the results support the authors’ hypothesis/hypotheses/purpose? Why or why not?
7. What was/were the limitation(s) and strength(s) of the “Methods” discussed by the
author(s)? (These are usually in the Discussion/Conclusion section of the article.) List
other strengths and weaknesses you were able to identify that may not have been
discussed by the author(s).
8. A. What conclusion(s) did the author(s) make?
B. How can the research findings be applied? If no applications were suggested by the
authors, in third person describe how you think the findings could be applied.
C. Based on this study and past research discussed in the Introduction, describe
possible directions for future research?

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