What is the workplace or environment that you will use for the context of your paper? What is/was your role in this environment?

Think of one (1) specific change that you feel would make a positive difference in your workplace (healthcare or nonhealthcare environment). Do NOT write about more than one specific change topic. Your paper should be focused on developing the idea for one specific change in the workplace.
Student Responses:
Briefly describe the topic of your paper.
(3-5 sentences)
What is the workplace or environment that you will use for the context of your paper? What is/was your role in this environment?
(Per guidelines, your paper must be focused on a change that you could implement in your role in this environment.)
(2 sentences)
Briefly describe the change that you are proposing in this paper and tell why the change is necessary.
(5-7 sentences)
Note: For this assignment, write about a change that you want to implement in an environment where you were/are an employee. In order to apply the change process for this paper, you need to have insight from an employee’s point of view. Do not write about a change that involves creating a local, state or national law. The change you write about should be something that you have knowledge of and the skills/ability to implement in your role.

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