What is white supremacy

What is white supremacy? Who perpetuates it? Is it confined to a certain socioeconomic class, to the distant past? Is white supremacy a problem in our society and its institutions? If it is, how so? If it isn’t, why not? Body: In the body of your essay, discuss the mob violence at the Capitol on January 6 of 2021. What does the attack tell us about the grievances of the mob and those who abetted their actions? Is the assault on January 6 an aberration or is it part of a continuum in American history? To what extent is Trump and Trumpism significant to understanding this event? Conclusion:
What in your view has to happen for American society to overcome the deep political divides that exist in this country and to what extent is race significant?
using these 3 articles

White Supremacy in the Age of Trump


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