What “lessons” do you think are still to be determined?

Please watch the following documentary (available through multiple platforms — search JUST WATCH (Links to an external site.))
5 B – trailer
5B Official Trailer – Presented by RYOT a Verizon Media Company (Links to an external site.)
5B Official Trailer – Presented by RYOT a Verizon Media Company. Please read the following from THE OTHER EIGHTIES – Chapter 8: The Shock Troops of Direct Action: ACT UP Confronts the AIDS Crisis
From Living in the Eighties – Chapter 11 – The Privatization of Everyday Life

Using textual evidence from the documentary and readings, consider the challenges that the healthcare system had to overcome in order to treat those inflected with the AIDS virus. What connections concerning the current COVID-19 pandemic can be made to the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s (in terms of awareness, stereotyping and effective measures to combat both inside and outside of the healthcare systems). What “lessons” do you think are still to be determined?

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