What measures can you take to ensure that you exemplify ethical practices when working in billing and coding industry?

You are a medical biller who works for Dr. Oliver, a well-known oncologist in New York City. Your mother Mrs. Jackson is in her second year of being diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Carcinoma, and Dr. Oliver is her oncologist. In her last visit with Dr. Oliver, he told her that the cancer has now spread and it is highly recommended that she act aggressively with her treatment.

She has now been introduced to a new therapy treatment for patients like her. Mrs. Jackson is ready to begin her new treatment; however she has minimal insurance and will be paying most of the expenses out-of-pocket. As a medical biller, you have direct access to the codes applied to her claim. You know that each code that is listed to her claim will result in your mom paying more in her out- of-pocket expenses. You now have a conflict in interest as you naturally want to help your mother in the time of need; however, this is your job. What do you do? What measures can you take to ensure that you exemplify ethical practices when working in the billing and coding industry?
Assignment Requirements
Perform a research on a medical association or a government organization to review the rules and regulations that have been created for medical billing specialists and medical coders to help ensure ethical coding is practiced in the medical industry. Use the rules and regulations discovered to help answer your questions above:
What do you do?
What measures can you take to ensure that you exemplify ethical practices when working in billing and coding industry?
Your response should be presented in a Microsoft Word document, with a minimum of 2 paragraphs. List the rules and regulations that you will apply to the case scenario above and the medical association or government organization they were established by. Provide a list and cite any references used to help support your response.

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