What values does it provide to key target markets (i.e., what would be of value to referral sources such as judges, or why would EAPs (employee assistance personnel) see this service as uniquely valuable)?

Develop an outline of your plan, referring to your textbook for key concepts to touch on. The best way to think through and structure your outline is to scan the textbook for your section headings and associated bullet points, specifically tailoring them to address your project idea.
One/two line answers for each bullet point.
Service Overview:
What are the proposed new service proposal’s unique features/benefits?
What values does it provide to key target markets (i.e., what would be of value to referral sources such as judges, or why would EAPs (employee assistance personnel) see this service as uniquely valuable)?
What are the benefits of this new service proposal (i.e., if this new service would require a significant out-of-pocket cost to the end user, would they see a visible value to the service)?
How is this new service positioned against existing services already offered by others?
What are you doing differently?
Marketing Mix-Promotional Strategy:
Target Market
Media proposed
Based on the submission log, please answer the above bullet points.

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