What was the overall response of the audience?

You should develop an informational health promotion teaching poster focused on gun violence, bullying, cyberbullying, or teen homelessness appropriate for the audience where the poster presentation will be held.
The poster should be professional, creative, compelling, use current and evidence-based resources, and target the intended audience. Basic epidemiologic principles should be included.

You should participate in the event with the informational health promotion poster. You should maintain professional standards while at the event (i.e., hygiene, clothing, name tag, demeanor, etc.). Your poster will be graded.
You should then develop and submit a 2-page reflection paper (approximately 500 words) that addresses Competency #11 and details your perception of the poster presentation at the event (e.g., What was the overall response of the audience? What went well? What could have been done differently? What changes could have been made to make the poster more informative for the audience?). A digital copy of the poster should also be included in the submission to your instructor.

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