what were some of the scientific, geographic, and/or diplomatic achievements of this event?

After reading, viewing, and watching the various sources about the Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark Expedition, answer this: what were some of the scientific, geographic, and/or diplomatic achievements of this event? What evidence do you have that supports your answer?
Task 1: Create a new discussion topic on or before the required date/time by clicking the ‘**REPLY HERE**’ post. Develop a substantive main thread addressing each part of the prompt in full. Your initial thread should be 2-3 paragraphs in length (200+ words total). Support your points with examples or illustrations from the text. Quotations/citations are not strictly required, but APA style should be used if quoting or paraphrasing from the literature or outside sources. Review the How-To Guide: APA Formatting and Citations page (linked in class) as needed.

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