What words (3-5) come to mind when you hear the word “religion”? (try to get their gut response without much thought)

(All blog posts should be at least 500 words. You should give evidence of thoughtful reflection and make reference, as
appropriate, to specific ideas, people, texts, etc. from any assigned readings or class discussion. Please keep these things in
mind when writing your blog posts:
• Even though it is a “blog”, please write and format it like a proper academic assignment. That means attention to grammar,
syntax, capitalization, spacing, writing style (academic formal and not informal), and in-text citations if you quote from
some source. Be sure to use paragraphs, indent each new paragraph, and keep your paragraphs relatively short.
• Always proofread and spell check. It is a general truth that “there is no such thing as good writing- only good rewriting.”
• If you include a link to a source be sure to double-check that the link is functioning and not dead.)
Ask at least 5 people (Facebook, text, phone, personal interview, etc.) the following questions:
1. What words (3-5) come to mind when you hear the word “religion”? (try to get their gut response
without much thought)
2. In less than 10 words, how would you define “religion”?
3. When you think about “religion”, do you have a positive or negative reaction? Why?
4. When you think about “spiritual”, do you have a positive or negative reaction? Why?
5. Would you describe yourself as religious or spiritual? Why?
Summary: After analyzing the responses, what common themes emerge? What did you learn? Do you
resonate with any of your interview responses? Why or why not?

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