what you desire and what is happening. What is happening now and what should be happening?

Step 1: Define the problem.
Review the Outcomes Box in the Organizing Framework at the end of the chapters to help you identify the important problem(s) in this case. Remember that a problem is defined as a gap between what you desire and what is happening. What is happening now and what should be happening?
Include all three levels in your discussion: individual, group/team, and organizational.
If one problem is more important or relevant than the others, identify it and focus on it for Steps 2 and 3 discussions.
The key players in the case all have a different perspective regarding the problem that you have identified. When defining the problem, identify which key player’s perspective you are using to approach the problem.
Use Case details to determine the key problem(s). Do not assume or create problems that are not included in the case.
Ask yourself why you identified an item as a problem and use concepts from this chapter to support your discussion.
Step 2: Identify the causes of the problem(s).
Once you have defined the problem, review the Inputs and Processes boxes in the Organizing framework to begin identifying the causes of the problems that you have identified.
Review the Person and Situation factors in the Inputs box and decide how people or situations in the case contributed to the problem.
Person factors can include, for example, personality, values, or needs.
The situation factors can include competition, regulators, and leadership. You must explain why each factor you select is a cause of the problem. Did a particular policy or practice play a role in causing the problem?
After identifying the person and situation factors that contributed to the problem, review the Processes box in the Organizing frameworks at the end of the chapters to determine if an individual, group/team, or organizational level process caused the problem.
Ask yourself why you believe that the process contributed to the problem and be sure to support your discussion with concepts from the chapters in the text.
Step 3: Make your recommendations for solving the problem. Based on the causes identified in Step 2, what are your best recommendations?
Be sure to consider the Organizing Framework—both person and situation factors—as well as processes at the three different levels (individual, team, and organizational). Feel free to review the framework from any of the chapters.
Develop an action plan for implementing your recommendations, and discuss the specific steps in the action plan. Be sure your recommendations are related to the causes that you identified for the problem and that their implementation helps resolve the problem.

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