When did these elements first come together to make a civilization and which of the 7 do you think is most essential for civilization and why?

As I noted in my lecture, there are 7 elements that make a civilization. When did these elements first come together to make a civilization and which of the 7 do you think is most essential for civilization and why?
Directions for Answering the Question:
Using information from the lecture,
Identify the 7 elements needed to form a civilization.
Do not simply list the elements using bullet points. Make sure to write this using complete sentences.
Identify the year or age those 7 elements came together to form the first civilizations.
Identify one of the 7 elements that you think is most essential to civilization.
You must choose one element (all or none are not options), but only choose one.
Fully explain why the element you chose is most essential.
Use at least 2 specific pieces of information and/or examples from the lecture to support your explanation.

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