When discussing true virtue, Aristotle brings up the notion of the mean between excess and deficiency

When discussing true virtue, Aristotle brings up the notion of the mean between excess and deficiency. Therefore, if the virtue is bravery, the excess would be rashness or foolhardiness, while the deficiency would be cowardice. Now, Aristotle admits that ethics is not a precise science and that the mean of action will depend on the person, the situation, and a host of other factors. Because this notion of the mean seems so imprecise, do you think we can ever really know if we have attained it in a given situation? Does this imprecision pose a problem for anyone wanting to achieve Aristotle’s notion of living a virtuous and happy life?
Note: In order to get credit for your post, you must use relevant quotations (not paraphrases) from the text (with references to page numbers) to support your answer. Also, limit your quotations to no more than 2 or 3 lines of text per quote (this is good practice, for your essays follow the same format). The post needs to be at least 425 words to be accepted for credit.

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