Why do the protestors think the monument presents a negative and skewed representation of this history?

With the recent emergence of protest movements over historical representation, historical monuments have become the focus of debates and protests. Public monuments are symbolic in terms of how society spends its resources to select, remember and celebrate certain aspects of history while forgetting or ignoring other aspects of history. Using news articles, identify a protest movement against a historical monument depicting a person or aspect of U.S. History prior to 1865, especially a topic we may have covered in class. Address the following questions below in a post of at least 500 words. You will be graded on how well you answer each question. Answer each question in separate small paragraphs to ensure you address each one.
What history is the monument supposed to represent? Why do the protestors think the monument presents a negative and skewed representation of this history? What solutions are the activists proposing and what alternative monument would you propose?

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