Why do you think so little emphasis is given to followership compared to leadership in an organization?

Discuss the role of a follower. Why do you think so little emphasis is given to followership compared to leadership in an organization?
A follower is a person who obeys and follows his or her leader. For eg: In an organisation executives, CEO’s are considered as leader and employees are considered as followers. They have number of roles to perform which are as follows:
They support their leaders and co ordinate with them.
They implement strategies and plans of their leader.
They helps to increase overall efficiency of the organisation . They assist their leaders to improve the functioning of organisation.
They are loyal towards their leaders and organisation as a whole.
Little emphasis is given to followership compared to leadership in an organization due to following reasons:
Employees dream to be leaders and work hard to polish their leadership skills rathen than focusing on being an effective follower
Few leaders does not give autonomy to their followers in their work and duties
The structure of organisation may at some time not support followership
Followers lack self confidence.
However, the situation is changing as people belive effective followership is necessary as effective leadership .

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